Friday, June 20, 2008

These Is My Words, This Was Our Party!

Last night was our June book club meeting. We met at Cathy's and had yummy snacks and so much fun. Everyone seemed to enjoy "These Is My Words." We loved the love story of Sarah and Jack, Sarah's strong personality, and the honest and funny journal-like writing style. Lots of our members were inspired to keep better more detailed journals just like Sarah Prine!

Shelley handed out July's book, "The Holy Secret," by James Ferrell. Ferell wrote "The Peacegiver," which everyone really loved. Shelley will be hosting book club at the end of July, and Jewell will be introducing her selection for September.

Rachelle introduced the book for August, "Gift from the Sea," by Anne Morrow Lindbergh. It is in it's 50th anniversary, a book of metaphor and healing to inspire every woman. Rachelle will be hosting book club at the end of August, and Yadira will be introducing her selection for October.

1 comment:

Meredith said...

What a beautiful meeting we had on Tuesday in Shelley's garden. The food was fabulous, the discussion very uplifting. I'm so glad Shelley chose, "The Holy Secret". We're excited for Rachelle's choice, "Gifts From the Sea", can't wait to hear what everyone thinks. We'll see you all at the end of the month.